> News Release

Jack Uldrich Keynote Slated for 2024 American Farm Bureau Convention

AFBF Staff

Global futurist and best-selling author Jack Uldrich will address attendees as mid general session keynote speaker during the 2024 American Farm Bureau Convention on Sunday, Jan. 21.

Uldrich is known for looking ahead in agriculture to see what trends and technologies are likely to shape the future. He weaves into his presentations insights about providing strong leadership and change management in a dynamic and sometimes unpredictable environment. His focus aligns perfectly with the theme of AFBF’s 105th convention, “New Frontiers.”

Uldrich’s 2020 book, “Business as Unusual: A Futurist’s Unorthodox, Unconventional, and Uncomfortable Guide to Doing Business,” helped many navigate trends that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. In his most recent book, “A Smarter Farm, How Artificial Intelligence Will Revolutionize the Future of Agriculture,” Uldrich describes how the integration of digital technologies into agriculture is dramatically reshaping farming.

“Jack Uldrich will challenge us to look beyond today’s realities to anticipate what’s coming around the corner and how we can position ourselves to successfully lead through it and ensure our members succeed,” said AFBF President Zippy Duvall. “His observations are eye-opening and will be a great addition to our convention line-up, which includes inspiring speakers, big competitions and critical conversations about top priorities for agriculture.”

Convention Registration

“New Frontiers” is the theme of AFBF’s 105th convention, which will be held Jan. 19-24, 2024, in Salt Lake City, Utah, with Duvall giving his annual address to Farm Bureau members during the opening general session on Sunday morning, Jan. 21.

View the high-level convention agenda here. Members may register for the convention and tours through their state Farm Bureau office. Others are invited to register through AFBF. The official event hashtag is #AFBF24 and the event website is https://annualconvention.fb.org/.

Press Contact

Mike Tomko
Director, Communications
(202) 406-3642

Bailey Corwine
Media Relations Specialist
(202) 406-3643